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Bugs with Pickup Boxes

fukin ded

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Bug / Exploit(?)


Description: When you pickup box and then take out of the pickup box printers/processors they will sometimes inexplicably explode.


How to reproduce: Grab some printers/processors in a pickup box and then take them out again later somewhere else.


Priority: High - I don't know if this is player caused or just a bug but it really undermines pickup boxes if you can raid someone or buy entities from someone and then have them explode and kill you along with all the entities in your base when you take them out.

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You are probably seeing them explode because they don't have the Printer Failsafe and just so happen to explode the moment you pulled them out of the pickup box. Has this happened more than once?

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It's happened to me with processors too. Do pickup boxes store the item in like a pocket dimension on the map or do they literally store the ent as a data point? If all pickup box ents exist physically on the map, I could see someone being able to deliberately exploit that by nuking everyones pickup boxes with a failsafed printer if it's actually a pocket dimension which is why I put Bug/Exploit(?)

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I have experienced this once in all my 8 months playing on this server. The printer didn’t have a failsafe and when pulling it out everything that got pulled out exploded it was as if everything that would explode in proximity to the printer exploded with it.

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