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Inventory sbc cannon

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As you all probably know you can no longer inventory a abc cannon. I would like to change this seing as it is not even used anymore. With this can be a potential nerf 

Maybe not 1 shot juggernaut 


this is probably a forgotten gun on the server. I would like to see it being used more: it is fun when you are just messing around with your friends and just generally fun while yes it can be used for mass rdm you have to be a dummy to do what silver did. As no new player wanting to Mrdm would get there hands on it.

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Mass RDM is not the only reason it was nerfed. Its the most op gun in the game. It one shots anyone. In my opinion you should only be able to inventory it when you have ammo in it and it should only have 2 shots or something like that. This way it is still a good gun and will be used but it will have its downside (which is having to inventory it every shot)

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