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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by PurpleSun

  1. How do I do that? I can't pm him on steam
  2. Can someone help me? Me and my friends (PurpleElement and PurpleHaze) used to play a while back but when we joined back our VIP's disapeared. I was lucky enough that Sugar was on at the same time as me and made me VIP again but I was getting frustrated yesterday because all of us 3 were contacting Admins and none did anything not even replyed. So please can anyone put PurpleElement and PurpleHaze back into VIP it would mean alot to us. Thanks ( They didn't know how to report something so I did it for them)
  3. Honestly you are so right. It would be awesome to have that on the server!
  4. Everything was going ok just before the server restarted but when I logged back on all my stuff in my bank and my inventory were gone so I reclogged once, twice. But nothing happened so I exited Gmod and got back on the server but nothing. And now all my stuff is gone and they told me to come here to explain what happened. pls help :(
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