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Salted Seabass


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Salted Seabass

  1. I think having a raider and a thief pointless, they both do the same thing, like I said I think batman could be like a cop but not the same, maybe if he sees a crime then he can beat the guy up but not using guns, and Joker can be like all the other criminals but maybe he gets to RDM a cop every 10 minutes. Why? Because he's a Psyco path. So not exactly the same, they should be different and I think it would inhance the rp.
  2. Since the map is bigger and since more people's play as cops, I think you should add job which is similar to the old batman vip job, and one with the Joker. I think it could inhance the rp and the Joker could be able to raid, mug, bank raid, and everything the crime faction can do but is allowed to kos batman or something. I just think if we introduce super heroes and villans, then maybe people can team up more and have a head quarters or something similar. I also think that this can bring gangs and stuff to the game, kinda like cops vs robbers with the Joker V Batman. Batman can be with cops too. P.S Everyone likes superheroes
  3. Sugar you said in his tread that the printers will be giving around 50$ every 60 seconds, that means that every hour printers only give 3000 dollars, do you think you can increase how much printers make, because 3000 every hour is not a lot, I could fish for 30 minutes if I wanted to and make more money
  4. What do you mean a fix for cake? What does that even mean, what is cake? Lol
  5. What do you mean a fix for cake? What does that even mean, what is cake? Lol
  6. He said in game that he will be gone for 2 days or something like that
  7. If that's the case then why don't we make the sky barrier higher so we can use helicopters and if people want to make a sky base as a preacher then they can make it even bigger. I also think planes would be cool, because some planes are pretty cool looking
  8. Since the map is going to be way bigger then the current one can you add helicopters or even planes to the server so travel can be much easier and maybe even some fun rp ways such as someone being Arnold or ect...
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