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Salted Seabass


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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Salted Seabass

  1. Tits you still aren't getting what the players and I are saying. We never disliked the map, at first it was kinda weird but then we all loved it. If it hadn't been for the leveling and every other new feature that everyone complained about then the server wouldn't have died. If we change the map some people will leave, but do you really want toxic server that has 50 people on it then a server that has 30 people on it but actually role play? Listen so many people are done with all of the cancer on the server. More and more people who play on this server everyday will leave if the current problems aren't fixed. So would you rather have a loyal player base, or a player base of 12 year olds who join just to rdm and make everyone else feel like shit?
  2. New players didn't join because all of our usuals stopped playing because they hated the update. Almost everyone I asked said that they liked the map, but they all disliked everything else. They hated the leveling system, the new crafting, ect... If you disliked the map then we'll know by you guys using voting on the poll
  3. The thing that killed the server was the leveling system, the job npcs, and the crafting. I think that if we just change the map and keep everything the way it is, the server will be so much more fun to play on. Am I the only one that thinks the server died for the things that were added with the map or something? It was never the map, it was the things that he added with the map
  4. Hey everyone who's reading this post! I am going to be going door to door for a pole asking people what's more dank, EvoCity or the typical dark rp map. So I would like your opinion. Pros of EvoCity - More rp, less mass rdm, more privacy, trees, lake, more cars, your able to drive your car and you don't have to stop every 5 seconds to turn, MORE RP, legit buildings, the cops are actually fun to be, ect... Cons of EvoCity - New players might be confused, less interaction with other players on the outskirts of the city, travel will be harder without a car or lightsaber, you have to download the map (obviously) and a few more So yeah pick what you guys would prefer the map to be! :)
  5. Salted Seabass


    I vote for being back Evo city without a job npc or crafting and even without the leveling system. Much good can come from it, i also haven't played that much because I'm getting tired of the rp that's missing too
  6. Does rapping a pony make you a brony?
  7. It makes a lot of sense actually. It says one of the coins aren't a nickel. That's because It says "one of the coins" one of them is a quarter; the other is a nickel
  8. Question - What's long and hard and has cum inside it? Answer - Cucumber Question - What goes up, let's out a load, and then goes back down? Answer - An elevator
  9. I already have his nudes.(no homo)
  10. Why do you guys hate mic spammers so much? If you really don't want to listen to their music or dank memes then just mute them; if you don't know how to do that then just walk away from the mic spammer. If for some reason you don't know how to walk then crawl away.
  11. I have a pretty memealisous suggestion; make Dank Beef and me moderator on the forums. It would also be pretty dankalisous
  12. Where do I find the dankest memes. I have dank memes, but not all of the memes
  13. I've been on this server since back in Vietnam
  14. Same in like a month when the player base goes back to 40-50 players in going to make a petition to bring Evo city back. Not with the job NPC or lvling because that's the main reason why people started leaving. Another thing that shouldn't be brought back is crafting, people fucking hated that, no offense Sugar. So basically the server we have now with just a new map. And definitely keep the f4 menu lol, and the cops were dank
  15. Hi Frank, hope your liking the server
  16. Wouldn't that start trolling. Randomly shooting people with russian roulette? Also the fact of C4 and Door Charges have been really annoying. Me and some other people (Not going to give out names) have been thinking about the C4 and door charges. They are very OP, the fact they have a pretty big blast radius, as well as it is impossible to get rid of (if you're defending your base) . Personally I think it removes the fairness of a new player and a person who has been playing the server for a while. Some people may not agree with me but, if this is roleplay having C4 randomly isn't really possible (irl of course). This may not be a real problem, but I think it is. If you agree with me great! you don't? whats your opinion on door charges The way real Russian Roulete works is you can either shoot your self and see what happens or shoot the other person and if they don't get shot then you have to shoot yourself and if you live pass the gun. So that's why I want to add the feature, I think it also increase the gambling aspect.
  17. Can we change the Russian Roulette pistol to this one http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=561624676&searchtext= In real Russian Roulette you can shoot the other person and then shoot your self if you didn't shoot them. So can you either use this one or change the current one, thanks!
  18. I jerk off hourly if that counts
  19. Why dafaq is no one on the server anymore? It's not going to grow unless people play it
  20. ZHey sugar I remember when we voted for the new map and when we voted it also talked about increasing server slots. So in the future is the server going to increase its player capacity, will it remain the same, or will it decrease?
  21. Sugar you should still add the joker considering there's batman and he needs a enemy to make the job more appealing and have a better rp aspect to it. Maybe the Joker can be part of the Terrorist faction and do something similar to the terrorist job. Maybe the joker can advert terrorism on the town every 20 minutes but only be allowed to use a knife or rpg, lol.
  22. Since the economy is smaller then what it used to be, can you change the in game price of custom weapons, models, and other weapons. Currently for custom weapons and models it's 45mil which will take ages to get and its also harder to get money, so if you can make new prices for everything it would be greatly, also for the black currency, because I want to get started saving up and knowing how much I need. Thanks
  23. It's because your black, ppl are racist
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