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Salted Seabass


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Salted Seabass

  1. Since more people are gonna be cops, why don't we get some sexy new cop outfits? The normal ones aren't that bad but I think there might be some cooler ones, as well as the mayor. He's kinda bland. Maybe we can use an Obama skin or something. Maybe even hitler but I think that would be to fucked up
  2. So I was informed that my model was some about 2 weeks ago when I was on vacation. I had even made a post saying I was going to be on vacation. Someone named Panda bought it but I was told he didn't know that I owned it. So what should I do
  3. So sugar, maybe not now but in the future can you add a job as the Joker. He should be a job that you have to vote for and when he dies, the job is gone kinda like the mayor. Also maybe he can like be able to kill cops on sight
  4. When we add that system, can we also add it so there are superheroes and when they see the gang memebers, they can kill them on sight, and ditto to the gang members seeing the heros. That would be dope
  5. Since the cop system is being updated a shit ton and since we already have a batman can a job be added were you can be the joker? Maybe the job is allowed to mega base with other jobs like theifs and stuff but similarly it the job could be like the terrified adverting terror on the city. Also maybe that job can have a unique pistol or melee weapon or something. One final thing is he can go into a public building and just hold everyone up handcuff them and make them hostages. Probs won't be done but if there's gonna be more detail with the pd, thenmaybe there could be more criminals and criminal jobs with detail
  6. Normal grenades didn't work for me either
  7. Bug Grenades don't work and it's pretty annoying Low
  8. Someone make a one punch man model which isn't shit
  9. I should have like a rainbow or something as my name. It would be so dank
  10. jk I'm not quitting but I will be going on a plane 2 am in the morning and I'll be gone for about 2 weeks. So I hope the server stays ok and I hope all of you have a great April break, ttygl
  11. Agreeing on your statement about the game; however don't be rude... Or leave Sorry if you couldn't tell, but I was joking
  12. Get a job then you sad piece of shit. Also that game isn't that good, I have it on one and it got boring
  13. I'd like a refund on my cars, all that money is gone now. Bye bye money :(
  14. Sweg I don't honk you know me, but I'm pretty sure I'm the most corrupt mayor of them all. Everyone who is a pawn in my regime does whatever my laws say, and if they don't. X(
  15. I +1 to a different map, it doesn't have to be EvoCity, I mean I liked EvoCity a lot but it sometimes got boring. I think we should definitely play on another downtown map, but I think it should have a sewer. The reason I say this is because it could help the rp with criminals, and add sewer creatures back. So yeah +1 to any other map basically (preferably one with a sewer).
  16. Same +1 to the warning system and to map changep
  17. "Changing the map = suicide " If we have 90 players at once roaming v4c_v2, it'd be heck. Atleast someone's smart enough to see what I mean. The current map is way to small, and if there was a troll who wanted to mass rdm it wouldn't be that hard because there's going to be so many people. If you think that mods have it hard now with everyone complaining even with the new rules, imagine what 90 people in a pretty small map would be like I agree with this reply. When we were in EvoCity the best job was to be a cop because of all the rp and it was fun chasing people with your car and pulling them over. Currently that's impossible to do in the servers current state. One more plus side of a big map is less rdm and less rule breaking in general. I remember on EvoCity there was barley any admin requests. So Sugar I know your trying to make the server less chaotic, but it's going to be hard if we stay on such a small map. So yeah if you guys like deathmatches 24/7 then let's keep the current map.
  18. "Changing the map = suicide " This is a different post this post wants a bigger map when we get more slots. The other post wanted EvoCity. Also Stache of you knew how to pay attention to details (which you obviously didn't) then you'd realize that everyone who can back after the update was un updated because the leveling system was gone with everything else that was added. Not one person I asked disliked the map, they all disliked every thing else that was added. To much change happened to fast, and it confused most of the pop. If someone disliked the map then reply to this thread and let me know
  19. Sugar in your post about the new rules you said you want this server to eventually go to 90 slots. If this is true then when we have a full server it's going to be chaotic. I could understand if he map was bigger but I think the current map is kinda small. So what I'm saying again is I think we should change the map to anotha one, which is bigger. So yeah I think by this month or the next we should decide on a bigger better map. Plus the current one makes me feel depressed because it's not really that colorful. I like colors, and a lot of other people do to. P.S. I don't disagree with the maybe future 90 slots, I think it's an amazing idea. I just think that the map isn't big for that many people. I wouldn't be able to find anywhere to be alone(and jerk off) P.S.S. I love you Sugar never forget that b b
  20. If uou couldn't tell, what I said means I'm in
  21. I just want a server that's bigger more detailed, and maybe even have a sewer. I've read the rules and I want be a sewer monster, but they don't exist because well, there isn't a sewer. P.S where dafaq das my poopy go
  22. TitsRP = simple server TitsRP + Leveling + Job Npc + Crafting = Dead server. We lost all of the players on EvoCity because no one felt like they wanted to take hours getting to level 5 to be a cool job, no one felt like looking for the npc to even switch your job, and no one felt like mining for an hour to get some scrap metal. I played almost every day on EvoCity but I don't think I ever actually crafted anything because it was so fucking hard. None of you are understanding that the map wasn't the reason why people left. Of course some people who just want to fuck with people won't want a big map but all of our player base that plays all the time would probs prefer it. Like I said almost everyone who still plays on this server liked EvoCity more then the server in its current state. But the majority of the player base left because they hated how much the server had changed in a day, no one was ready for that much change. So basically alot of people who join the server will be gone in a few weeks because the server is just a deathmatch. We might as well call it TitsRP ttt. So yeah if you guys prefer a server with trolls joining and people killing each other for no reason, then let's keep our current server map. :)
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