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Salted Seabass


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by Salted Seabass

  1. Some people joined the server because of youtubers. One example is ghostly, he joined because he saw a Zuther video and a lot of other regulars saw his vids and joined the server
  2. I +1 this. Most new players can't afford to pay high fines and some people give high fines to people they know have money
  3. bladefire lolwut No, we don't need anymore "pet" jobs. They're pointless. They won't be pointless, the cats will have claws so they can fight the dogs and mouses lmao They will be pointless, having a pet with claws is not at all unique nor worth having. What would be the point of dog vs cat. One has claws the other has a dog bite whoop Dee doo. The thing with the baby and pedophile is they were totally different classes. One kidnaps and has a variety of weird things and the other has a crowbar to smack the pedophiles down with. Cat vs dog would just be two classes with slightly different weapons and not unique at all lolwut No, we don't need anymore "pet" jobs. They're pointless. They won't be pointless, the cats will have claws so they can fight the dogs and mouses lmao They will be pointless, having a pet with claws is not at all unique nor worth having. What would be the point of dog vs cat. One has claws the other has a dog bite whoop Dee doo. The thing with the baby and pedophile is they were totally different classes. One kidnaps and has a variety of weird things and the other has a crowbar to smack the pedophiles down with. Cat vs dog would just be two classes with slightly different weapons and not unique at all Why you gotta be a hater? Also why did you say it twice?
  4. If he was paid for giving Zuther explosives then does it count as assisting? I don't think you fully looked at everything tbh blac. Sugar it's up to you but you should check to see if fedora did pick up money that Zuther dropped for him. But if you banned abyss I agree with that because he did mass rdm on footage
  5. I think albinos definitely abused tbh, he was even laughing and when Zuther said why am I here he didn't give any reason. That's not how a staff member should act, I say he should be demoted tbh. I'm pretty sure Zuther rdmed before he was taken to the sit and albino didn't do anything to punish him. Also like I said abyss should get a week ban or even more. He mass rdmed and I think he gave weapons too, it seems like abyss is just a constant troll to the server tbh.
  6. Abyss should definitely get banned in my opinion. I think Yesterday that abyss was banned for a day or something for something completely different and I said that he also mass rdmed in a video. He wasn't banned for the mass rdm so I think someone should definitely ban him. Also Sugar you should look at logs and see how many other people he killed during that time Zuther was on. I mentioned it like a day ago that he mass rdmed but no body listened I guess. Just ban him for mass rdm. If people see that vid they're going to think mass rdm on tits is fine. He should get punished. The other guys should gets warning for supplying but I don't think ban time is needed for them.
  7. lolwut No, we don't need anymore "pet" jobs. They're pointless. They won't be pointless, the cats will have claws so they can fight the dogs and mouses lmao
  8. I suggest a new job which might a cat job. Its gonna sound retarded but maybe like the pissed baby and illegal job maybe the cat and dog job can kill each other on sight. Or maybe even add a mouse and cat in which they can kos each other. It might bring a player base who likes cats and mouses
  9. I think it shouldn't be a exploite because light sabers can technically go through anything.
  10. I +1 the second link. All that stuff looks really dope and I used to play the shit out of gta on Xbox and I loved it
  11. I read the new update and it says that your name is masked, so maybe if someone gets wanted with the mask on they can hide and take the mask off and become unwanted because nobody knows who's actually under the mask.
  12. Everyone is already your friend Vermin. You're too good for this universe. That actually made me feel really good :) No problem. But you are definitely one of the kindest. :sleepy: The only person that loves me is th ice cream man who comes down my street. He lets me go in the van and gives me a whitish clear ice cream
  13. I suggest that maybe you could reference Narf in the hobo job description kinda like how you did with Pap223 in the stalker job
  14. I wanted to suggest this too but I thought everyone would say no because of how corrupt I was lmao
  15. Back in my day we used to have tons of huge raids bigger then even this one. I remember one with bosco, comm, me, dankbeef, Mickey, and a bunch of other people who raided spoderman. Mickey tried betraying us but got rekt
  16. Back in my day vietnam was just starting... That's the first time I killed a man... We kept stabbing him in non vital spots... We were in the midst of another battle when my comrade... So that's how I met your mother... Also that's when mods were able to ban
  17. I disagree with this very much for a few reasons. One of those reasons are, if someone is a mayor they don't want to be killed because they get demoted. The pd is basically a safe haven for mayors and they want to add on to the building to get more protection. So this is why I think that cops can build in the pd. It sucks getting killed as the mayor and if you can't prevent it by building then how else can you protect your self against raiders.
  18. TWP you say that you're a awp God, awp God but I think that I'm a awp God, you can ask all the police when I'm a terriosts
  19. I think you should add back the old trading but with models only. I agree that custom classes were to op because if you could trade weapons every class had weapons eventually and became to op. But I don't agree with taking trading models. The old trading system let people have a good amount of models but you took out the old system because it made people to op. I think you should add the old system back with models because models don't make people op and having different models is like having different cloths. Not everyone wants the same old thing, they want to be different some days, so this is why I think the old trading system should come back but with the models only. I bet a lot of people would agree with me
  20. ... Lmao a terriosts got to do what a terriosts gots to do. I think there should be more sound seeps like maybe the cops could get one that says "laps get on the ground" or something like that, also I know there used to be juke boxes and there's hobos but I think there should be a dj or radio guy who plays music that's request
  21. Lmao, I can get a really big kill count as a terrorist but I usually use a sniper, maybe can you add a sniper to the job or like one grenade. It's going to be less op because they can't hide anywhere anymore. So yeah I think a sniper would be good. The only prob is i think you should add a very good sniper or just increase the awps damage. When I'm a terrorist I use awps and awp asimovs, but it takes like 4 shots to kill a cop because of all the armor. Also the awp doesn't even one shot people in the head. You can ask a lot of people that I killed today. It legit took like 2-3 shots to kill them meanwhile snipers are meant to be op. Maybe you can even add a rpg to the job or canon. Oh also I maybe can you add a sound swep to the terrorist screaming something like Allahu Akbar or something.
  22. Since terrorists can't hide anymore and are going to be easier to kill I think they should be given bombs to suicide bomb people when they activate terror
  23. You're a model comm, that's hot
  24. Saaaaaah dudes, I'm really bored right now in study hall, so let's discuss people's future(istic). What does everyone want to do when they're older? Some people might want to be a business man but what in business, be specific bois
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