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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by EL

  1. Umbak thats why we have alternative ways to make money (they don't make as much and that's why having entities is ideal) if this was set in place it would make raiders feel like theres no point in the 150k they just spent on C4 or the blowtorch they just bought for 500k
  2. did you use quotations like /demote "Crippling Gay" being a dick? i would imagine you did just checking :P
  3. Race0pone you are such a dick i knew you before i joined the server XD
  4. i'm leaving for reasons i'd rather not give but i just wanted to say that i won't be able to find another server like this one it was made (almost) flawlessly by sugar and he does daily updates and works hard at it the only thing that ever made the server bad was the 90 players on which can't be helped but sugar does a goddamn good job at running the server and although people rag on the owner for him being on i love the work he does in the background anyway i wanted to throw out a few memerable people Amixon-loyal gang member and stayed with me till i left i hope you find a good gang North bear-it was fun fucking with you ;)) and you were fun to base with i hope you have more success with the bank with your days on the server Rigbe-always helped me out whenever i needed help protecting the back a really helpful staff member Mr Peanut Butter-always saw him taking sits and he did great at staffing (never really saw him in rp tho) Whiteless-see you my dood and i will get those goddamn keypad codes Wrath-my favorite trial-mod i hope you get promoted my dood :D anyways i love the server and i'll never forget the experience and the fact that everything is attainable ingame but faster through money made it feel like there was a purpose behind what money you were gathing you do great sugar keep it up
  5. raven at least people that just joined cant go OH WELL THAT LOOKS KEW
  6. +1 on sugars part he's working hard -make bank manager VIP only -when you ban someone for failrping with the bank perm ban them from the job?
  7. -fix the laws back the way they were seriously what in the heck were you thinking 20k jaywalking fines gun out anything it makes the server unplayable and ruins the server either that or add a few rules to pd basing so its not so op so people can actually revolt -fix the rare issue as to where the server thinks you have under 3 hours and boots you from all cp jobs but you have access to the new guy
  8. hey dude that has penis rifles you and me both XD
  9. make oil drilling a thing? (i found it to be a really fun way to make money on another server i used to play on) https://www.gmodstore.com/scripts/view/2207/font-changed-advanced-oil-mod-darkrp
  10. woah dood someone accepted your sit :O XD
  11. EL


    oh yeah that was complaining about staff not responding to shit not my app also if 1,999 people have done it i can be 2000th :D just because its already been complained about doesnt mean we cant do it again (of course nothing will probably change) BUT why not bring the issue up till its fixed?
  12. EL


    alpha i was asking why its taking so long for it to get accepted/denied its been a long time im not complaining also +1 to that idea at the bottom :P
  13. EL


    Moist im trying at the moment but thats also not my point as said earlier in this post we dont need more staff we need staff that do shit
  14. EL


    OH YEH WHEN I JOIN THE SERVER AINT NOONE RESPOND TO SHIT xD all jokes aside you can see em alright just not taking sits XD
  15. EL


    i agree its BETTER but it could be better than now when it takes 5 mins to get a sit because 1 they're overloaded or 2 they dont care and i had a 2nd "option" as well (that makes it sound like im a douche you dont HAVE to do anything these are just suggestions) but at least have a higher up be like EY TAKE DAT SHIT
  16. EL


    i can agree with you we dont need staff we need QUALITY of staff people who will actually take sits when needed so one of two things needed 1. more staff 2. better staff
  17. EL


    Why does it take so long for apps to get accepted or denied i made my app 11-13-17 and it is now 12-3-17 i had 19 hours when i made the app and now i have 122 is there any reason it takes so long?
  18. EL

    KYS bug :D

    Exploit Description:When you kill yourself you can avoid the anti afk system if you stay dead How to reproduce:KYS FEGGIT Priority: Medium
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