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[DN] Hamta [Admin]


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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by [DN] Hamta [Admin]

  1. 1. What is your ingame username?hamta 2. How many hours do you have?40 but really active 3. Why would you like to join?cause i would really like to be in a nice gang to XP Farm and have some nice experiences 4. Why should we accept you?cause i XP Farm alot which can be helpfull for the Gang 5. Were you in another gang before? If so, which one(s)? in the gang Unusual 6. What can you contribute to the KKK?Im always positive and have decent aim :D 7. Do you understand that acting stupid and causing problems on the server will get you dismissed from the Gang? actions have consiquences 8. Would you like to be a Hydra or a Furie?i would really like to be a furie 9. *Anything extra you would like to add to further make your application more accept-worthy* i dont really know much stuff about the Gang things i would really like if someone could show me how some stuff works.
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