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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by TheDavid

  1. Thanks for the answer but what would happen if someone shoots and kills someone else is that deemed KOS?
  2. Mentor Killed a kid for doing a crime and said its allowed according to dindu. https://i.imgur.com/L9RjKP9.png https://i.imgur.com/rbxNtJH.png https://i.imgur.com/hrVpY8g.png When tf was Killing someone for commiting a voilent crime allowed https://i.imgur.com/yDH889X.png https://i.imgur.com/6DsXSsk.png
  3. Ill like to add a mini report, I'm offended that LSD is massively Racist. https://i.imgur.com/8tssSQX.png
  4. Steam Name: TheDavid Ingame Name: Cancerous TheDavid Discord:TheDavid#7564 +1 daddy plz
  5. -rep Terrible person, only cares about himself. Banned me for prop climbing on titsrp.
  6. Steam Name:TheDavid In-game Name:Cancerous TheDavid Discord(If you got one I need the Numbers with it): TheDavid#7564
  7. Cancerous TheDavid TheDavid Best Memory is when you and i use to play League together all the time TheDavid#7564
  8. Ok hes doing it again and im confused again, Like is it not allowed to build on that side of the server or what http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1238016037
  9. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1238008410 IDK ABOUT THAT ONE LIKE WE HAVENT BEEN TOLD ABOUT THIS ONE LIKE BRUH
  10. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1238000714 Idk anymore about hobo Rules
  11. TheDavid


    The Jolly Melon was the one who jailed The Festive Assulter For Stealing his shit . https://plays.tv/video/5a3b455ed47cd0389a/uh-what
  12. I might as well explain my story, So basically I was gonna become the BEST TERRORIST OF THEM ALL, I go into the PD to buy Armor and hp right getting ready to hide and mass rdm in 5m (Didnt start the terror) then Menut Walks up to me Arrests me I question him like Wtf. Since I was so confused I double checked the MOTD just in case I was wrong I did !bring Butter and it Brought Menut Peanut Butter and He ignored what I had to say and just said: "Don't TP Staff". I questioned him about terrorist being AOS since I didn't know about it and he completely ignored it and that's why I created this discussion.
  13. Menut Penut butter(mod) Arrested me Saying I didnt know the rules .
  14. Since its not stated in the MOTD And a mod arrested me for it, are terrorsit AOS even if they didnt start the terror. Meaning Like Just walking around are Terrorist AOS?
  15. Description: So basicly the video explains it all but if you dont wanna watch it basicly i went into a pedos home to raid him and the Swat Got kidnapped, he decided to buy his way out but while i was there i mugged him for 5$ he didnt comply in 10 seconds so i shot and killed him but he instantly respawned at his place of death and he seemed frozen. I Froze him then unfroze him it fixed the problem but i wanted my 5$ so i killed him again the same thing happened How to reproduce: I have no clue Priority: (High, Medium, Low) Medium video: https://plays.tv/video/5a1cd53c679d2348c8/wtf
  16. This hobo lord is building on the street but according to him other mods said its allowed since theres an enterance and exit im not so sure he can do this and want others to give me what info since i asked other mods on the server but 0 of them responded.
  17. TheDavid


    Its not aloud to build a base in Admin land but if you lock pick it most likely you wont get punished since you cant stop it, Like Vexxy said its discouraged but people still do it
  18. TheDavid

    Dogs wtf

    Prof: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvEdM75aVOE
  19. TheDavid

    Dogs wtf

    My female dog is trying to hump my self can anyone explain why?
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