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Not An Assassin


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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by Not An Assassin

  1. Exploit



    Description: If you have a class-default throwable weapon, e.g the butterfly knife with the supplier, it is possible to inventory these.


    How to reproduce: Become a job with a throwable weapon by default (King, The Teddy, Necromancer, The Supplier), throw the weapon on the ground, change jobs, pick it back up and inventory it.



    Priority: Medium/High

    Glaze this has been around for a long time XD my friend did it on my cc he kept throwing the golden knife at the floor then inv it


    And you let this happen?

    lol... not cool


    Not entirely smart to admit that on the forums to a staff member.

  2. Not an entirely fixable bug. I'm guessing what you mean is that when they cloak they become completely invis but when they uncloak they look like a normal revolter. This is just the way the materials and colors render and work with each other. Unless you change the cloak to use a different mat or opacity there's nothing really that can be done besides a swift kick or ban.

  3. There should be a ban list in your ULX menu, and it should state the reason why. Maybe I'm mis-remembering or maybe you need elevated perms (I've always been super so I have little experience with the limits) but that should be there for you. And as far as remove all props, just freeze them and if it's a real concern (EDIT: FPP isn't used on this server, patch protect is used in it's place but it's the same idea.) can be set so prop spam ghosts props and eventually prevents props from spawning for a few seconds. Hope this cleared some things up for you!

  4. I've handled situations like this many times before and in my experience as long as the raider was raiding fairly, I'd let them go back inside the base and jail the person getting raided and warn them for the usual shit. As you shouldn't have died thus it should be as though it never really happened. Obviously I don't have experience as staff on this server and I can't tell you whether or not that's the precedent for them but in my opinion the way they handled the situation was wrong and that shouldn't have happened.

  5. Yeah, I think you've misinterpreted the point haha. I just meant this as a way to point out some things that could be better said if that makes any sense. Now that I think about it, it's extremely ironic the fact that I'm trying to clarify the MOTD when I can't even communicate a point clearly. Oh well.

  6. I just wanted to call attention to some weirdly worded rules or direct contradictions I found in the MOTD since I brought one such issue up to sugar earlier today. Hopefully through this we'll be able to have an even better put together MOTD that communicates the rules in a more clear and concise manner. There aren't a lot but I thought it might be worth calling attention to the few that are there.


    General Rules


    DO be respectful to everyone

    DO try your best to help other players in a time of need

    DO report rule breakers on the forums

    DO speak English since this is an English server

    DO have some sort of video recording software if you ever report anyone



    DO NOT Minge

    DO NOT Propclimb

    DO NOT Propblock

    DO NOT Do Violent Thefts (Ex. Player A shoots and kills player B because they are holding a printer P.S. Just try to take it with a gravgun or something don't kill them on sight)

    DO NOT Metagame (Ex: Cops warranting a player because sparks from his printer are coming out of the roof, although hearing printer sounds is 100% allowed to warrant) Do meth cooking sounds apply to this?

    DO NOT RP in spawn unless you're running through it in an RP situation

    DO NOT say racist things in chat

    DO NOT be constantly vulgar in OOC, you will be warned then kicked / banned

    DO NOT go back to your base if you were raided, wait until the raiders are done This rule is repeated later.

    DO NOT block of NPCs off*

    DO NOT raid the same person over and over again, pick on someone else every once in a while

    DO NOT raid public places. Some people just wanna chill, don't ruin their fun if they have no goods in their public place

    DO NOT counter actions before getting involved. For example,asking a kidnapper to release your friend otherwise you might counter the action I don't understand what this is saying.

    DO NOT warn people for general actions such as walking down the street, looking at them or being near them

    DO NOT go back to a raid if you died or got killed, accept that you lost and move on This is the repeated rule.


    DO NOT call an admin for a single RDM, go talk to guy who killed you or ask in OOC why he killed you

    DO NOT call an admin without a specified reason. Ex: "ADMIN 2 ME PLZ" is not allowed  "Hey admin, player x is mass RDMing right now, can you help out?"

    DO NOT call an admin for general questions, ask people in OOC or the forums

    DO NOT call an admin constantly. Spamming admin chat will have you kicked / banned

    DO NOT call an admin for moderator applications. Just apply on the forums

    DO NOT call an admin for a refund on weapons or money, we can not spawn weapons or money


    KoS = Kill on Sight

    AoS = Arrest on Sight


    Time Limits:


    Max Kidnapping Time: 5 minutes

    Max Raiding Raid Time: 10 minutes Max Raiding Time

    Cooldown for raiding the PD: 15 minutes

    Max Mug Amount: $1,000


    Warning only has to be verbal, it does not have to be adverted. It's your choice if you want to advert it or not


    Illegal Activities:

    • Being any job that is AoS
    • Raiding
    • Mugging
    • Stealing
    • Disrupting the peace
    • Making drugs
    • Having Printers
    • Having a firearm without a license

    Legal Activities:

    • Growing Olives
    • Having Bit Miners
    • Owning a melee weapon
    • Having a firearm with a license

    Default Laws:

    • Doing any illegal activity will have you arrested or fined
    • Killing other players is illegal

    New Life Rule does not exist in this server. What does exist is defeat. If you're killing during a raid or any other altercation that involves you attempting to kill them, do not go back to continue on. This goes for heists and other actions. You can however go back to places that your killer does not mind. This will be severely contradicted later on.


    Definition of Raiding: Having the intent to invade another person's home. Whether you're being harmful or not, trespassing someone else's house should be considered a raid.


    When starting a raid, be close to the place you're raiding. Sitting away from the house shooting people while they are coming out is not allowed.



    Advert Rules


    Adverts that Exist:

    • Counter
    • Heist

    Adverts that DO NOT EXIST:

    • Steal
    • FearRP related adverts
    • Hands are tied, weapons are stripped
    • Serial Killer
    • Murder
    • Raid
    • Kidnap
    • Mug
    • Warn


    Basing Rules

    • Fading door limit is 3
    • Fading door minimum time limit is 5 seconds
    • One way props are allowed
    • You cannot have a base that requires special tools / prop climbs, onto the roof of a building
    • You cannot have a skybase
    • You cannot have a crouch base that exploits a head glitch Maybe clarify that crouch bases ARE allowed, just not ones that exploit a head glitch.
    • Placing a building sign prevents you from being raided, but you may not have any entites or any form of making money. This is a bannable offense
    • KoS signs are not allowed but you may have Loitering signs. Minimum time for a loiterer to be killed is 5 seconds
    • Trespassing makes you KoS
    • Your goods must be accessible in some way or form. You cannot just prop block them
    • You must have your keypads in plain sight and it must be next to the door
    • You cannot have a blackout base / super dark base Maybe specify that any base that makes it hard to orient yourself is not allowed.




    Civilian Rules

    Basic Description: You sell items, complete tasks and just be a regular civilian to survive.


    Raid Heist Kidnap Mug Base Megabase



    • Amphetamine Cook is AoS
    • Medics can assist in raids

    Jobs in this ruleset:



    • Gambler
    • Guard
    • Landlord
    • Lawyer
    • Medic
    • Restaurant Owner
    • Amphetamine Cook




    Cop Rules


    Basic Description: You protect and serve the people of the town


    Raid Heist Kidnap Mug Base Megabase

    • You cannot be corrupt
    • You cannot randomly search houses, you must get some sort of evidence unless you see something illegal inside
    • Past the second PD door is Arrest on Sight unless said otherwise
    • You must try your best to comply in advert to help other people. Ex) If someone adverts they have someone kidnapped, don't shrug it off
    • Abusing the CP system will have you banned
    • Using unreasonable fine amounts and jail times will have you banned

    Mayor Rules:

    • You cannot be corrupt
    • Make your laws something that your officers can enforce, you cannot make rules that allow players to kill each other
    • You cannot make make money printers legal
    • You can not make a law to make someone above the law because it breaks rp

    Corrupt Rules: Both classes can't be corrupt but there are corrupt rules.

    • You can bypass any rule for the most part as long as it doesn't enforce RDM (make printers legal, allow people to rob the bank, make pedobears legal, ect)
    • You cannot get your CP members to kill people
    • You cannot get other players to kill other people

    Fine Rules:

    • Fine players and add onto their bounties for doing illegal activities (Ex: Raiding, making drugs, heisting)
    • Fine players based on their bounties, not what they are doing currently unless they don't have a bounty.
    • Set players bounties when they have reasoned with you to take off a set amount. (Ex: Player 1 killed player 2 in self defense, he should have 5,000 removed. Setting the bounty to 0 will erase all logs for that players)

    Fine Amounts:

    $0 -50 for a  minor offence                                  Ex) Hobo's Buidling in the street

    $50 - $2,500 for a mild offence                            Ex) Stealing someone's items, Raiding someone's house, Mugging

    $2,500 - $5,000 for a  severe offence                  Ex) Killing another human, kidnapping another human

    $5,000 - $10,000 for an extreme offence         Ex) Killing more than one human, repeated murders, killing an officer, raiding the PD

    $10,000+ for a terrorist  offence                        Ex) Killing more than one officer, kidnapping the Mayor, killing the Mayor, calling a terrorist act



    Bind "+cpumenu" for the CP menu

    Bind "+cplist" for the list CP menu


    Jobs in this ruleset:



    • Civil Protection
    • Civil Protection Lead
    • Civil Protection Specialist
    • Combine Team Six
    • Detective
    • Judge Gabe
    • Mayor
    • Police K9
    • SWAT
    • SWAT Chief
    • SWAT Enforcer
    • SWAT Medic
    • Secret Service
    • Custom Classes that are cops




    Thief Rules

    Basic Description: You steal from people and break into their bases


    Raid Heist Kidnap Mug Base Megabase

    • Custom classes cannot mug

    Jobs in this ruleset:

    • Bank Heist Leader
    • Bank Heister
    • Demolitionist
    • Infiltrator
    • Raider
    • Thief
    • Master Thief
    • Master Raider
    • Custom Classes that aren't cops




    Hobo Rules


    Basic Description: You beg for money...or forcefully take it


    Raid Heist Kidnap Mug Base Megabase

    • You cannot build in the streets but you can build on the sidewalk
    • Your houses can have multi-layers (essentially prop-climb within your house)
    • You can own guns
    • You can micspam but please be respectful if someone asks you to stop. If they ask you to stop and you don't comply within a reasonable amount of time, you're KoS

    Jobs in this ruleset:

    • Hobo
    • Hobo Lord





    Gang Rules


    Basic Description: Join together to build a massive place and fulfill your duties


    Raid Heist Kidnap Mug Base Megabase

    • You must have at least 3 members to megabase, unless you're the King
    • You cannot take over a large portion of the map
    • You must own all of the doors in all of the houses with all of the members as co-owners

    Jobs in this ruleset:

    • Crips
    • Bloods
    • Rebels
    • King




    Mercenary Rules


    Basic Description: Get hired to protect or do some other task


    Raid Heist Kidnap Mug Base Megabase

    • You can raid, heist, kidnap and mug players if you're hired to. Only applies to Mercenary Job. You can add kill to this list now.

    Jobs in this ruleset:

    • Guard
    • Mercenary
    • Hitman




    Gun Dealer Rules


    Basic Description: Set up shop and sell guns to other people


    Raid Heist Kidnap Mug Base Megabase

    • You must set up a shop unless you're The Supplier
    • You may self supply a gun or a shipment to protect your base but you may not self supply just for the sake to get guns. The Supplier is excluded from this rule

    Jobs in this ruleset:

    • Gun Dealer
    • Black Market Dealer
    • The Supplier




    Weird Jobs Rules


    Basic Description: You're super weird. You take pictures or meow at people. Do something that makes Pap233 proud.


    Raid Heist Kidnap Mug Base Megabase

    • Pedophiles are default AoS
    • Stalkers and Master Stalkers are subject to AoS if they're caught stalking people.
    • Pets and Master Pets cannot own guns but they can own melee weapons

    Jobs in this ruleset:

    • Master Pet
    • Pet
    • Stalker
    • Master Stalker
    • Pedophile





    Stupid Job Rules


    Basic Description: These jobs were added in to make you lose brain cells and to feel stupid. If you want more info on why these jobs were added, check out this thread https://titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=2650&page=2

    Raid Heist Kidnap Mug Base Megabase

    • The abomination must be contained and therefore AoS
    • Hank Hill and Billy Mays are at constant war. They can kill each other
    • Pissed Babies can kill Pedophiles on sight
    • The preacher can skybase
    • Picolas Cage can kill the Spooky Alien on sight
    • The Spooky Alien must make out with Picolas cage

    Jobs in this ruleset:

    • Billy Mays
    • Hank Hill
    • Picolas Cage
    • Pissed Baby
    • Preacher
    • Spooky Alien





    Kidnapper Rules


    Basic Description: You kidnap people and make them your slave.


    Raid Heist Kidnap Mug Base Megabase

    • Alien Race can Raid and Heist if all three are together

    Jobs in this ruleset:

    • Cultist
    • The Silent
    • Alien Race




    No Category Rules


    Basic Description: Your job says your job rules in the description


    Jobs in this ruleset:

    • Gandalf
    • Grim Reaper
    • Batman
    • Master Chief
    • Spawn of heck
    • Terrorist
    • Mugger
    • John Cena


    Misc Rules


    Rules that generally don't have to be said but are here for the people who need to see them

    • Dont weld props on the back of your go karts
    • Don't fading door abuse
    • Fading door abuse is when you explicitly use your keypad or bound key to toggle the door to shoot out of in an instant. You can do this when no one else is around but do not do it when you're getting raided.
    • Hitmen do not need to advert accepting / competing or failing a hit
    • A public place is a place with open doors and no entities inside such as a resturant. If the place does have closed doors and the owners refuse to let you in that room, the place is considered raidable.
    • There is no NLR but do not return to your base immediately after it being raided, you lost, just accept it Contradiction coming up.
    • Also do NOT return to watch a raid, this breaks nlr rules and you will get in the way of others if you are trying to or not. There are NLR rules but NLR doesn't exist.
    • Cops should not be returning to the PD if there is a heist immediately. They should be waiting at least 2 minutes
    • Being in a party doesn't mean you're excluded from adverting counter because "they are in my party"
    • If you're heisting the bank, you cannot go back. You must call heist again at some other time.
    • Knocking people out and not kidnapping them is not allowed, when you knock someone out you must attempt to actually kidnap them

    NLR Examples: Once again there are more NLR rules but NLR doesn't exist.


    Going back to the road you died on to a hitman to see your friends ALLOWED

    Going back to the road you died on to a hitman to kill the hitman NOT ALLOWED

    Jimmy going back to Jimmy's house after raiders raided it and killed him NOT ALLOWED

    Going back to Jimmy's house you were raiding after you died NOT ALLOWED

    Going back to finish a heist as a raider after you died NOT ALLOWED

    Going back to defend a heist as a CP after you died NOT ALLOWED

    Going back into the PD as a cop after you got killed by a Bounty Hunter ALLOWED

    Going back into the PD as a raider after you got killed by a mugger ALLOWED

  7. UTime "https://forums.ulyssesmod.net/index.php?topic=3039.0"


    One of the oldest yet best addons to have. I hate having to walk up to players to see who they are, and with the current HUD Config settings the draw distance is so low for player over head info you have to kiss them to get their name. Also accurately keeps session and overall time down to seconds.

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