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CuddlyKraken @Twitch


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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by CuddlyKraken @Twitch

  1. Quality of Life Description: The new guns added have way to much recoil when shooting it is unrealistic and unusable. How to reproduce: Buy gun Ex. ACR I have not tested or know the names of any of the other guns that got added but many have complained to me about all the new guns added. Hold done the shoot buttom Watch the recoil fly! Priority: Medium
  2. First rule. I have encontered that I can not find a for sure answer to is if anyone is allowed to build and close off a resoruce. Example trees in gang area for wood, or rocks for metal, and lastly chemical hoses? I have been told by a few people that only hobos can build and close them off be cause they are public areas. Is this true? Also what about when someone mega bases and closes off all the trees, or all the rocks, or the hoses. Also if possible add more hoses one is broken so only 3 work and 2 get closed off when someone does a mega base in the gang area. Second rule. Can cops build in the PD? I have heard that as long as there is not mayor cops are allowed to build in the PD, and if there is a mayor the mayor can only build unless the mayor gives cops his aproval to build in the PD. What is the real rule around this? Third rule. Every class (exept cops) can steal. This rule is very open and leaves grey areas. If you see money on the floor sure take it. but how far can it go can every class (exept cops) car jack? Car jacking is just stealing a car. As I think and come across more rules that need to be clear I will post them on here.
  3. What are your computer specs? Also is it a laptop or desktop?
  4. Is there anyway you can translate this into proper english? We would love to know what happened and if you could use the proper reporting format that would also help a lot. Thanks
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