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CuddlyKraken @Twitch


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by CuddlyKraken @Twitch

  1. I could also build a better version of this which would only be 2 props but technically you would have to lock pick/kaypad crack it 6 times.
  2. So not allowed if I am reading that right?
  3. The base is full raidable by both keypad cracker and lockpick.
  4. I was raiding a base and saw that his base had 4 fading doors to get into. So after I finished my raid I called for staff since 3 is the max amount of fading doors. Le Moist came to me and checked it out and this first thought I assume was the same as mine he is over the fading doors, so he brought the person who made the base. They explained that what I thought was 2 fading doors was technically one prop and so one fading door. But when raiding the base you have to go through a fading door in between the 1 prop so it makes it seem like 4. (I'll try to describe this better to come). Moist's conclusion was that since it technically was one prop and he only had 3 fading doors that it was allowed, but I feel like this is pushing the rules a bit much. It is not like if you keypad crack or lock pick it you have enough time to lockpick or keypad crack the next door before the other one closes. Best I can do do describe it > http://imgur.com/a/vxfAz Basically fading door #2 is one prop but you have to go through #3 before getting back to #2. If this is allowed I love it since it adds a new concept I have not seen before to basing, and I would love to test it out. But it seems like pushing the boundaries of the max 3 fading doors. BTW the keypad to Fading door #2 is under the prop so there is just enough room to be accessed from both sides. PS I am not calling Le Moist out on his ruling in the matter I just want a clear answer and I do not want to be told that is it not allowed if I start putting them in my bases.
  5. +1 Super annoying being assassinated right after being elected.
  6. You have to put it in a very small spot on his chest. Maybe make the spot bigger?
  7. I have sold processed drugs to the Drug buyer just yesterday worked fine for me. But I have encounter that inventory bug before super annoying.
  8. Bug Description: When delievering parcels, parcel #4 does not show the location. How to reproduce: Go to the parcel npc keep trying until you get #4 get this message in chat > I have to go to Parcel Location 4 Couldn't locate the NPC's position, the package should still work though! Priority: Low Update: This is does not happen 100% of the time and it does happen for every parcel. Seems random happened 2/7 times for me. Update #2: Seems like this bug only happens when you have been in the general area of the parcel post after a long time or after you first join the server. For example: If you first join the server and run to the parcel npc it seems like you get the location bug since you have not been around any of the parcel posts.
  9. Taxes need a cap on how much they can take from a single person, If you have 20mil like me they take 20K from you. I am breaking breaking even when farming money, and I can not just farm money all day I want to RP also. Max 5K taken from a single person maybe even less.
  10. Bug Description: When trying to reload the halo shotgun it starts giving you massive script errors and does not let you reload it. Script error > [ERROR] lua/weapons/weapon_haloshotgun/shared.lua:206: attempt to compare nil with number 1. unknown - lua/weapons/weapon_haloshotgun/shared.lua:206 How to reproduce: Get the halo shotgun shoot it try to reload it with R get script erros Priority: Medium
  11. How about adding a "big" battery for printers. It is a pain in the ass to fill a printer 10x with batteries from full to empty. If we had a "big" battery maybe cost like $100 and it just fills the amount of 10 batteries. If not then auto printers this battery stuff is a pain.
  12. Bug Description: If you have only one kind of item in the crafting bench, metal, wood, chemical barrel or electronics, if you try to eject your material it will say "Your crafting table has no materials!", but if you add lets say 1 wood and 1 metal then you can eject them. While only having one kind of material for example 5 metal you can not eject. How to reproduce: Buy a Crafting Bench Put only 1 type of material in. ( Wood, Metal, Chamical Barrel, Electronic) Open crafting bench Press Eject Get this message > Your crafting table has no materials! Priority: Low
  13. Wait you also banned him! OMG I did not think that would actually happen.
  14. So I can not reply to his mod app since I am not a mod but I always enjoy reading the mod apps over and I realized something in his app. HE FUCKING COPIED IT FROM Thatoneguy72! At first it just seems like a coincidence but I do not believe that anymore after reading both mod apps side by side. First thing that threw me off Questions 5-11 are identical to Thatoneguy72 and I mean grammar, spacing, caps, EVERYTHING! Second thing His answers in the unlimited liner is the exact same ans Thatoneguy72 but he changes the hours and add a little to the end. But the beginning is the exact same! Grammar, spacing, caps, EVERYTHING! Third thing In his scenario questions the first one he copied Thatoneguy72 again but added a bit to it His second scenario question he replace tp with teleport, the rest is the same. His third scenario question is the exact same as Thatoneguy72, he didn't even change this one. His fourth scenario question copied and pasted from Thatoneguy72, no changes. His final scenario question is also copied and pasted from Thatoneguy72. If you you are so lazy to not even make your own mod app then you should not be a mod or a trial mod. Thatoneguy72 posted his mod app on January 7th at 12:01pm https://titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=3600 FrozenWaffles posted his mod app on January 6th at 5:50pm https://titsrp.com/showthread.php?tid=3608 I just wanted to point this out since no one else did.
  15. The alien race is allowed to race as long as they have all 3 of the aliens together. and its not really a prop it they are i guess trying to act hidden kind of like the box from mgs.
  16. I do know since it happens to me all the time, or people (Eryick) who go into the pd and turn into the bank so they can not be moved or killed and raid the pd.
  17. Can you also make it so people can not spam going in and out of being a prop, a lot of people use this to not die and it is a very big pain to kill them, or arrest them.
  18. A bigger downtown map would be awesome. The reason we lose so many players on a map change is just about everyone who plays DarkRP looks for this map since they have it downloaded and they know it. I found one called rp_downtown_wise I remember playing on this map before it is your basic downtown map but with its own spawn room, much more buildings and slightly bigger.
  19. Technically could you not do that with a heist? Max raid time is 10 minutes anyways. You could open all the jail cells and let people free while you are robbing the bank want waiting for the timer.
  20. If you are a cop isn't that what the non lethal is for? And 10 seconds is way to long maybe 2 seconds because chances are if you damage someone you are going to keep damaging someone. But what would happen if you used your mastersword and took fall damage? or got crossfired? or if you are using your mastersword/lightsaber to run away because you dont want to get murdered and you are going to call cops? -1 Bad idea.
  21. This is the only reply I will make on this post I would like everyone to get there opinion in. Even though this base technically does not break any rules, I believe it to be breaking the common sense rule. 1. You need friends to raid this base. You can not raid this base solo. 2. You need him to be afk, or away from base to be able to get to the base. 3. You need special tools to raid it if he is in the base. This one breaks a real rule i mentioned above. For this base to be allowed you should either, 1. Make it so that preachers can not have anyway of making money in there base so there is no personal gain from this base. (Idea from Blacnova) 2. Make it so that the path to the base can not be faded.
  22. Yesterday and today I encountered a new type of sky base I had not seen before. So naturally I tried to raid it. To my finds I found it unraidable unless 1. The people in the base were afk or not paying attention. 2. You have C4, blowtorch, mastersword, or spiderman gun. 3. You have more than one person raiding with you. The reason for this is that they have a floating sky box which is allowed as long as they are preacher, but they have one small path going from the box to a ledge on top of the hotel. Now this would all be fine if you could walk on the ledge get to the fading door and and try to lockpick it or what ever you want to do once at the door. But that is not the case the second you walk on the ledge the people in the base press a button and turns out that path going to the base is all fading doors and now you are falling to your death. You can not get to the base without having a mastersword or a spiderman gun to jump onto the bases floor then start lockpicking the fading door. I have talked to several staff about this and it seems no one can make up there mind if this is allowed or not. It clearly states in the rules that "You cannot have a base that requires special tools / prop climbs, onto the roof of a building" Even though they have that path to the base it is basically just a laughing gag for them to drop people to there death. You need a mastersword or a spiderman gun to get to the base which means you need a special tool which is clearly breaking that basing rule. A simple fix for this would be to make it so that the path can not be a fading door. I feel if it is allowed but as long as they do not use it while people are raiding this will become abuse and we will start hearing people say "I did not know he was raiding since we do not have to call raid on this server." [attachment=423] [attachment=424] [attachment=425]
  23. Yes only the trees in the suburbs are able to be harvested for wood. Tested trees still work in the suburds. Would be nice to have all the trees able to be harvested for wood and maybe add some more rocks around the map.
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