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CuddlyKraken @Twitch


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by CuddlyKraken @Twitch

  1. Bug Description: Currently when pasting some older dupes you now get errors and it pastes nothing. How to reproduce: have a dupe paste it get errors Priority: High This is the full message I get.
  2. Bug Description: When you shot someone with the tranq m9 instead of them getting knocked out. you now get a script error. [ERROR] addons/sugarweapons/lua/weapons/weapon_m9/shared.lua:88: attempt to call global 'Valid' (a nil value) 1. unknown - addons/sugarweapons/lua/weapons/weapon_m9/shared.lua:88 Timer Failed! [simple][@addons/sugarweapons/lua/weapons/weapon_m9/shared.lua (line 87)] How to reproduce: Get the tranq m9 shot someone in the head get script erro Priority: Medium
  3. 10/10 always annoyed XD BUMP? I think I saw something about sugar redoing the gang system soon? Anyone can confirm or deny that? I know he is busy trying to fix the mic delay.
  4. Is he just talking about the roof? You can do that is basically any house. If I am correct then you can not see anything up there anyways, all the entities go away, people go away, and there is no way back down unless you suicide or no clip or get teleported.
  5. Gnome said that he got it off of the normal dupe section and while playing on another server that allowed both advanced dupe 2 and regular dupes he saved it into his advanced dupe 2 folder. I do not think this is a major issue since it is a very very very rare thing to happen. Best action to take right now would be to make sure no one uses it. At this moment I believe only gnome and cullen have it.
  6. I was using a plate2x2 with material models/debug/debugwhite (Also known as the white non shiny one XD) with colour Red:63 Green:0 Blue:127 Transparent:100 Normal Render mode and No Render FX
  7. Bug Description: You can take money out of the golden printer through props How to reproduce: Get the golden printer Put props around it (prop block or fading doors) find the right spot that makes the collect button light up green through the prop Priority: Medium http://imgur.com/a/PRLDO
  8. YES! I do not care how expensive they are ingame we need this! Maybe like 15mil per slot even!
  9. Bug Description: Most gang perks do not work. The one I find doesn't work most of the time is the decrease on the timer for robbing the pd bank. It is suppost to go from 300 -150 if perk is at max but it happens only once in a blue moon. How to reproduce: Have your gang perk leveled up Rob the pd bank timer is still 300 not 150 Priority: Medium
  10. I agree with that. I honestly think the best cure to the night purge is fixing the vote ban/kick. 50% makes it fair so that rule breaking can get banned or kicked. Anything higher and almost never goes through because of afks and the rule breakers themselves, plus they normally in groups at night.
  11. The problem with respected right now is there is less respected then staff. If anyone with 200+ hours can get respected and then they can ban people it would start a lot more rouges. 90% of the vips do not even know they can vote ban/kick to start with. Plus even if they all learn its still a vote, the average amount of people on at night is 10-20, that means that we need 5-10 of those people to agree with the person making the vote that that person is breaking the rules. If vote ban/kick is not fixed then we need something done about the night.
  12. Quality of Life Description: We need the vote ban/vote kick system to pass on a 50% vote not a 70% or 80% vote. Every single night when all the staff get off its basically purge, everyone prop blocks spawn, everyone mass rdms, everyone mass rdas. And as much as I am down for reporting it on the forums and having them banned in the morning. They also need to leave the server right away. It lowers the player count at night because no one wants to deal with the mass rule breakers and half the time you can not even leave spawn. It also effects almost everyones RP. How to reproduce: Be on the the server anytime after 3am Get fucked. Priority: High (Only because it happens EVERY NIGHT)
  13. Where is my shout out? God race after all lose long nights together, I don't get anything!
  14. 100% Best idea it is a lot like how countering used to be, now people can just revolt for no reason. If you make then rp it out then its more fun and not as much just people wanting to rdm. Also remove the auto want stick it is basically the same and cuff rushing, and since that got nerfed people should learn to type out /wanted name reason Makes it more rp and more fun.
  15. Does it not have access to it already? No, also maybe add somethings you can only buy from the supplier. Like maybe the master keypad cracker and master lockpick, but have a ridiculously high price like 1mil for a single for each one. Maybe also buy C4 with a shorter timer?
  16. Make it so the VIP job The Supplier also has access to the Gun dealer entity shelf.
  17. Bug Description: Basically I won an event and I got the 10 shipments of 20 prize. I went to a house locked all the doors and claimed the shipments using !claimshipments. Right after picking them all up in my inventory the server crashed. I figured it was fine since I had inventoried it all, but when I got back on the server it was all gone. It is my thinking this might be a bug if you ever inventory a few seconds before the server crashes but I am unable to test it. How to reproduce: Win an event and get the 10 shipments of 20 prize Use !claimshipments Inventory them all Server crashes Join back into the server All shipments gone from inventory Priority: Low Also if possible to see what was in my inventory before the server crashed and refund me when was missing after it crashed? The crash happened on Thursday January 29th, 2017 around 5pm EST
  18. Bug Description: When robbing the pd bank sometimes when the shipments spawn they spawn in the roof of the pd not in the bank room. This causes people to not be able to get the shipments from the heist. How to reproduce: Rob the pd bank Wait till the timer goes down Shipments spawn, sometimes go in the roof. Priority: Medium only because it seems like it happens a lot maybe 1/5 times.
  19. I was thinking more become a VIP job then a vote job.
  20. Bug Description: When you use a flashbang it does not blind people at all it just shows a white light. I love using flashbang since its the perfect counter to one way bases, but they do not work. How to reproduce: Buy/Get flashbang Throw flashbang White light shows up but does not blind people for any amount of time. Priority: Medium
  21. Ok so I love the sound of the hacker being able to hack other objects, things like: ~ Mayors Pannel ( Would allow him to use the pannel for a short moment all cooldowns reset and after he uses it, it goes down for a certian amount of time ) ~ Bounty Board ( Allow him to remove peoples names/bounties and/or add people ) ~ Health and Armor Station ( Able to turn it back on after mayor turns it off, able to set prices lower for a short time ) ~ Hack Printers ( Able to hack a printer from someone else into becoming his printer ) ~ Hack NPCs ( Able to hack NPCs into giving better prices when selling items for a small amount of time ) Also maybe adding an EMP grenade into the game to make peoples HUD harder to see and temperately freeze their printers/miners. Also fix flashbangs < I'll make a bug report
  22. From what I could tell Sugar removed the ability to use stealth camo at all when a revolt is on going. But if you are cloaked before the revolt starts you stay cloaked. If there is a way to make a revolter uncloaked then I think that would fix the problem.
  23. Sugar might have changed this back so correct me if I am wrong. Basically when the big update came out Sugar removed the need to advert counter. Since it is just a reason to kill people and not RP. To be able to "counter" now you must be fully involved in the situation, meaning that if someone is kidnapping your friend you have to go up to the kidnapped tell them to leave your friend alone or you are going to kill them, using mic or text. If they do not stop doing what they ask you to do in a reasonable amount of time then you can "counter" their actions and kill them, but you do not need to advert a counter since you are involved in the situation. Someone correct me on this last one, Being in a party does not allow you to kill someone kidnapping your friend without getting involved. You still have to get involved by telling them to stop.
  24. I wish someone could have gone away from like December 20th 2016 - January 5th 2017, So everyone could have made the joke of He is going to be gone for a year!
  25. From what I can tell you have to wait a few seconds after pressing the reload button then it will start reloading. Also the shoot reload is eve more broken now. All you have to do is shoot about 4 times then reload wait for it to start reloading and then start shooting again and it will keep reloading for you automatically while you keep shooting.
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