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CuddlyKraken @Twitch


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DarkRP Server Rules

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DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Everything posted by CuddlyKraken @Twitch

  1. OMG it's a girl! No one freak out! P.S. She has a boyfriend. Hey Kat, get back on the server so we can get the fam back together.
  2. I'm Cuddly Kraken and welcome to DramaRP. Seriously who cares, welcome back. Come enjoy the server.
  3. I think the new best idea for the terrorist is to Make it so they have to do !terrorstart which will advert it for them. Then they have to kill a minimum of 5 cops and a maximum of 10 cops (Depending on the amount of people on the server). After killing X amount of cops another advert will come up saying that the terrorists can now kill anyone, so they can either hide and run or kill the terrorists. When terrorists do !terrorstart their material will become Yellow and kos by cops. When they have killed the right amount of cops their material will turn orange and are now kos by everyone. This will stop people from thinking they are being mass rdmed and prevent people from abusing the terrorist job to just mass rdm.
  4. They do it all the time. I thought it was going to be me who banned them because I had the same thing happen.
  5. I am not making this post because I am mad about being killed. People are abusing, in my eyes, this job just to mass rdm.
  6. Recently people have been to what I think is exploiting the terrorist job. Basically people have been hiding on the streets in underpopulated parts of the city. (Suburbs, industrial, etc) So that they only have to kill one or two cops in the first 5 minutes then they run into the main part of the city to use cannons to kill everyone. I believe this is exploiting the job since it is, in my eyes, failrp to start a terror attack then basically hide out just so you can mass kill people after the 5 minutes is up. This is something that is being done by staff mainly which is why it is annoying me. They are looking for reasons to basically mass kill for fun. This is not the way staff should act. I think we should cancel out the Terrorist job or at least make it so that the terrorists can only kill cops even after the 5 minutes, or that they have to stay in the general area of the PD for the first 5 minutes and they have to be looking for cops not hiding and not doing anything. I would like to know what everyone else thinks or if they have ideas to make it so this is just not a mass rdm job.
  7. Quality of Life Description: Parcels, Money Launder, Drug Buyer, and Harvest Buyer should all have the ability to put the money in your bank rather then dropping it like the General Buyer. How to reproduce: Sell things to those npcs, they drop the money. Priority: Low
  8. Bug Description: Multiple events may be broken. Currently when a race event starts it will not start after people join it and the race points will stay up until removed by staff, also will not let you start another event. Survive event may also be broken everyone who died were frozen and could not respawn until refrozen then unfrozen by staff. How to reproduce: Start an event, lord help you Priority: High since it happens with regular events, and we do not know what the other events may do.
  9. I am only a Trail mod so I do not have access to reply to his app which is why I made this post.
  10. So earlier today I banned Whitefox for prop climbing and lying in a sit. I was in the admin zone when I saw him prop climb up to a ledge. I no clipped to him and asked him why he prop climbed. He asked me to put him in the admin zone then tried to walk away when I he realized what I had asked. He removed his props before I froze him. He refused to answer my question and kept insisting I unfreeze him and I had no proof. Proof: https://m.imgur.com/gallery/Cqz8I I only banned him because of his bad attuidte. And the fact that he lied right to my face. He then made a false ban appeal lying once again in it saying he used magic pills to climb up. He removed his appeal once I replied to it showing my proof. I do not wish to cause drama I am only making this post to show the kind of person Whitefox is since he does have a mod app currently up. Whitefox I do believe in second chances maybe more then anyone else but not if you are going to spend your time lying and breaking rules.
  11. So put it in the server suggestions and if other people like the idea theyou will back you up. Then sugar can make a decision.
  12. Bug Description: batman's super punch does nothing. How to reproduce: become batman, use super punch, nothing Priority: medium
  13. I don't know what you want from this. You basically made a thread just to tell me that go fuck myself. It's not like I'm on the server 24/7 and I have to wait 20min in between each raid on the same person. I never target anyone. Stop complaining and just play the game if have a problem with the way the game works then put a suggestion in the server suggestion thread, and stop being so disrespectful all the time. You do not see me running around calling anyone who kills or raids me a bitch niggles cunt whore mother fucker. Play the game have some fun and lets all be friends.
  14. The only reason I had to use C4 is because you kept building during raids. It's not my fault you broke rules and got punished. All you have to do is know how to build a base right. You keep making bases looks all pretty with nice small shooting areas but no one plays like that anymore. If you do not want me to blowtorch your windows then use fences and one ways so you can see me doing it and kill me while I do it. Don't want me using C4 Same thing make one ways to shoot me so I can not place it. Basing on this server is the easiest thing to do if you do not choose dumb bases with 6 windows and 3 doors. Now to be honest I 100% agree with the C4 part, I did not use it to grief your base btw I used it to get in, After a certain amount of time props that were C4ed should go back to there original state. But to do that that means C4 would have to act like a blowtorch bomb and and not just unfreeze the props. I understand you are upset at me because you think I target you or I'm overpowered. Truth is I just put a lot of time into the server and worked hard to get here. Why should I go easy just let people kill me when raiding when I can do it and be successful. Now if you would stop being so disrespectful all the time I would not be blowing your stuff up after I raid you. I blow up peoples printers and such if they are being very disrespectful or if they are breaking rules. And every time I raided you you broke a rule. You are always building during a raid and breaking nlr. Why should I be nice to someone who has no intent to be nice to me? Also blowtorches and C4 are loud enough if you just listen for them and not stand next to your printers and only be able to hear your printer sounds. Yes but the fact that you can get in a base (windows) without going through the main entrance is OVER-POWERED AS FUCK and shouldnt be a thing, if its a thing then it atleast should be louder and more time to destroy the prop not like its now, quiet and takes few seconds to go through a prop. Thats why it ruins the basing factory. THERE IS NO POINT OF MAKING BASES when there is such a tool. That's why the blowtorch costs about 500k. So? You rdm him, he bitches to admin and most likely will get you harsh punishment and he said he paid 120m for the teleportion stuff and other items so money isnt a problem for people like him Money is not a problem for me but not because I donated once! and only $15 to get my CC started, but because when I'm on the server i'm not messing around building dicks (I do this all the time), I'm raiding and getting money. If anything we need to lower the amount you get from events, printer, bit miners, selling entities, and more.
  15. Sugar is the savage king. No but seriously why? Just so you can ask to be respected again XD!
  16. Terrible idea as long as you are not a minge with it like you were this morning. Putting down one or two barricades should be allowed when raiding. It is BS when you raid the PD and there is 6 cops and it is just you and your friend and you need time to heal each other as the cops flow in to kill you! +1 Lets do it!
  17. Quality of Life Description: The mayor does not have an arrest batton. How to reproduce: Become mayor No arrest batton Priority: Medium
  18. You can not pick people up with the M9 anymore, after they are knocked out.
  19. Bug Description: The health station no longer heals people it. The bar goes to empty right away even after it says it recharged. How to reproduce: Get the health station place it try to get health by pressing E nothing Priority: Medium
  20. Ok real server suggestion at the highest priority. Removed the ability to use the psygun or tool gun and spawn any props or bring props into spawn. To many people have been using this to get into the rooms in spawn and base there.
  21. We should add a new default law into the motd. Under Illegal Activities: In the General Rules We should add Memes, so it would look like this, Illegal Activities: Being any job that is AoS Raiding Mugging Stealing Disrupting the peace Making drugs Having Printers Having a firearm without a license Memes and under Fine Amounts: in Cop Rules we should add memes as an example so people do not over fine for it. Fine Amounts: $0 -50 for a minor offence Ex) Hobo's Buidling in the street, memes This will allow cops to have fun with people making memes and it will all be one big meme and to quote Cullen. [Moderator] (OOC) Cullen: Dude, this whole server is a meme
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