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David Davidson


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DarkRP Server Rules

Forum Rules & Guidelines

DarkRP Server Rules (Compat Test)


Posts posted by David Davidson

  1. On 6/19/2024 at 6:34 PM, Insurance Agent said:




    So the thing is I've been doing it for months and I'm only hearing about how it's an issue now.

    If someone tells me to stop dragging them I absolutely will, but it's never happened.

    Everyone actually seems to enjoy it, especially when they're pinned to a vehicle.

    I've been playing for years and only figured that out a few months ago and it's unique/novel enough

    that players laugh.


    I actually have never been told not to do this.

    I only found out I had been warned for FailRP and had 2 report threads on me on the forums a few days ago

    after the fact

    Wummbly told me after I called for a sit for an in game issue.


    I've attempted to write my warn appeal but the new system where you have to enter everything in their own individual

    slots (steam id, etc) is cancer,

    and for whatever reason everyone acts like cunts on this forum, it's basically a schadenfreude on ban appeals from player forced

    to come here and suggestions about fixing frustrating server issues when they go against the status quo.


    Cuffing criminals and bringing them to in to pay their fines is roleplay whether you like it or not.

    If it isn't a serious roleplay server then how would cuffing people and dragging them to jail or to your vehicle

    then to jail not fall within non serious police roleplay?


    You could judge literally anything as minging.

    Which is why I'm hearing different things from different mods,


    If this is such a huge issue, perhaps it can be brought up at your monthly or bi weekly etc moderator meeting,

    and a proper assessment can be made and perhaps the rules can be updated,

    instead of just slapping warns on the one player doing it and making them come to the forums to ask for clarification on

    non rules and beg for a warn appeal.


    Sorrry for the reply in the quote but I apprently can't copy and paste on this forum which is great!


  2. 59 minutes ago, bugman said:

    This isnt a realistic RP server, if you want to book them use the arrest feature built into the server, otherwise fine and move on

    I understand that but it's still a roleplay server and there isn't any specific or relevant rule against it.


    I'm sure there's some sort of monthly admin/moderator meeting where it can be brought up
    and it can be decided if the rules need to be updated to include it.

    • crine 1
  3. 2 hours ago, wolf2297 said:

    any CP can fine you without dragging you to PD, a bit weird that they dragged u all the way

    Police take people in and book them at the police station IRL.

    It's just roleplay and this is a roleplay server so it seems like it should be allowed.


    I just need clarification from the mods

    • Like 1
  4. Staff don't always answer sits, especially during off hours.

    This happened to me in game just now, which is why I remembered I had this thread going.


    I just don't see the justification for them when they're either used by trolls

    who lob every one they have in to a crowd, or noobs who apparently can't kidnap or raid without them.


    Outside of these two groups, it looks like we all agree that they're cancer enough to call for a sunglasses function

    for the server.

    So just take it one step further and get rid of them because they're more harm than good.

  5. 21 hours ago, AflictoGaming said:

    Explain the logic for why you should be able to


    You can kill kidnappers if they swing a baton near literally anyone else.

    You dont have to be RP related to the target/victim, you can pretty much just gun and chase

    the kidnapper down even if they didnt actually hit anyone with the baton.

    So why shouldn't I be able to stop muggings in progress?

  6. 20 hours ago, zoot said:

    I don’t see how your dwindling interest in the server makes any case for your ban being unjustified. You really just shouldn’t have said the things you said, and that has nothing to do with your playtime or contribution to the community. Nobody is forcing you to play here, in-fact, it’s probably better off that you get outside rather than spending the equivalent of a full time job shut in playing Garry’s Mod. I think you’re a cool guy, but this post just makes no sense.

    The server only exists because of players. You mods like to think you're holding the world on your shoulders.

    I wouldn't be on the server if I didn't enjoy it.


    Rather than insult me and miss the point entirely maybe you should think about why you choose to spend your time on the server.

    I've been staff on lots of servers over the years, and I always find interrupting your own gameplay to go police some

    low level rule breakers every 5 minutes is a good way to ruin the fun.


    This happens to most mods and they all quit after a month or two.

    The only ones who stay longterm don't even play the game anymore, they just enjoy throwing what little power

    they have around and sitting in circlejerks with other mods and a few power users.


    So again, ask yourself why you choose to spend your time here.

    Are you really here to enjoy the game? Or is your idea of enjoying the game fun-policing everyone else?




    • crybaby -1 2
  7. Had I not been banned for a full month (appeal denied)

    I would still be putting in those kinds of hours.


    I broke the habit, and now there's one less player who is

    obsessively online, trying to make fun things for other players

    to enjoy, like my PD and public bathrooms


    I still enjoy the server, don't get me wrong.

    but I'm usually playing somewhere else now

    so maybe such a harsh ban wasnt necessary.


  8. On 3/5/2023 at 4:11 PM, bugman said:

    If you care about rp so much then how does it make RP sense to just kidnap in the middle of a crowd

    As if people don't mug or kiss or bounty hunt one another in crowds?

    On 3/5/2023 at 2:32 PM, Makoto said:

    Maybe I'm wrong, but you sound like one of those kidnappers who tries to snatch people in the middle of a crowded area and then wonders why they got mowed down. I understand that most players stay clustered downtown and that being discreet would take more time, but kidnapping isn't supposed to be such a brazen thing. If you like to kidnap and don't have the pocket sand perk and you constantly get caught red-handed, it sounds like a skill issue to me.

    There's a leveling perk to save you from one kidnap attempt per life, isn't that enough to avoid it

    when you dont have a cop or batman or friend or two around?

  9. As other users said, you're going to need a 3D model/mesh first,

    then port it to Gmod, which is extremely time consuming and difficult

    unless you've spent a lot of time making player models and know exactly

    what you're doing.


    Here are some alternatives player models you might like:




  10. It's usually jump sweps (mario jump) that are just ultra loud for no reason at all,

    and they're spammed because players are jumping with them.


    I also remember a loud revolver sound echoing throughout the entire

    server for like 5 minutes straight on at least 2 occasions.


    Oh and there's also some sort of sound effect some CCs can have,

    like the Mario 'Mother fucker' one the moderator Marco has.

    You can hear it across the map.


    I think something should be done about them,

    anybody else share this feel?

    pic unrelated

    • Like 1
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  11. 8 hours ago, Blue. said:

    yes, there will be bad eggs, that's just a fact, but if you ACTUALLY obtain 15 warns then you clearly need to study the motd more, ask about things you aren't sure of, etc. I think an automated ban for getting 1 warn but you had 14 warns from 2017 is stupid. I can agree on that, but if you need 15 reminders to follow the rules within a reasonable time period, then you totally deserve a week off.

    Again, the bulk of them are from when I was brand new

    and were over a year ago. My warns have slowed down since then

    obviously as Ive gotten better at playing by the rules but that doesnt mean

    I wont encounter 4-5 more shitty staffers if I continue to put so many hours in to

    the server.

    8 hours ago, Blue. said:

    There are flaws with this system, as there tends to be with any sort of punishment system, so thats why in the MOTD we highly encourage users to record/gather any sort of evidence when they can.


    I completely understand this but again, it is not reasonable for me to be expected to turn my leisure time in to

    a job. I'm not going to record 10000 30 second clips of 20 minute sits on the off chance the mod is gonna slap me with an

    unjustified warn.

    Of course I try and gather evidence for rule breakers, abusers etc but doing so in this instance is not as easy

    as clipping an RDM. And again, whether I report them or not chances are they're going to quit in a few weeks/months

    anyway because again, nobody likes wasting their time handling other players squabbles (for free, and for more than a few weeks once the feeling of having power subsides).

    8 hours ago, Blue. said:

    If you have some ideas on a system that would be superior than the current system, I'd like to hear them.

    Me personally, I value education over punishment, especially when it comes to things done against me, and i stress the same to all of the staff I have trained, if they don't uphold that then it is an issue and must be brought to our attention

    Literally just remove the auto-ban. I agree education over punishment should be the goal, which is

    why this is the antithesis to that. It isn't a human making the decision to ban you, it's arbitrary

    and it's obviously a feature of the moderation addon the server is using because at first glance you would

    think 'yeah 15 warns is a lot so they deserve it!', but again, it really only affects long term players like myself

    because any staff worth his salt would check the previous warns/bans and be able to determine if a week ban

    is necessary to turn players around.


    I don't go out of my way to break rules, I try hard to avoid breaking them actually so a week ban for basically

    nothing is just going to make me go find some other server to play on, not that I want to but you're dealing

    with people and people dont like being treated unfairly.


    It's the same thing as banning someone outright VS taking the time to explain to them how they broke the

    rules and how they can do better. 

  12. Just now, ItHappens said:

    Then because you don't feel like having your own evidence setup you will get those false warns. Higher ups wont know about the power hungry staff unless you report them homie.

    Again, not my job to police staff, and it isn't really an issue with staff because

    every Gmod server has this type of staffing issues/high turnover.

    it's an issue with an automated ban system.

    If a mod feels I've done something worthy of a ban then so be it,

    but this is just an arbitrary thing that nobody considers because

    it's easier to blame players than admit relying on an automated system

    when dealing with gray areas is retarded.

  13. 1 minute ago, ItHappens said:


    ^ he covered your "concern"

    I'm not a mod nor do I wish to be one.

    It isn't my job to record every single sit I'm in (sometimes 20+ minutes)

    on the off chance I get unfairly warned at the end of it.

    As per my original post, there will always be shitty staff.

    With the high turnover rate they'll probably quit in a few weeks/months


    The point is, you are trying to justify automating long bans 

    because "guhh you must have broken da rules!!!!"



  14. 1 hour ago, Booper Scooper said:

    It's really not that hard to just follow the rules.

    Stopped reading there.

    You can see my previous posts in this thread if you

    want to know why this is a dumb thing to say.


    Not to make a non-post post but seriously read the thread (including all of the OP)

    before shitting out the rhetoric please.

    • Failfish 1
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  15. 28 minutes ago, LeGerbs said:

    Things change and just because I don't like the enforcement style of rules nowadays doesn't mean it's necessarily wrong. 

    Doesn't mean they're right either 😉

    32 minutes ago, LeGerbs said:

    I can say with 100% confidence that our player numbers have dropped drastically. Whether that's due to the more frequent bans or just Garry's Mod not being as popular anymore it is an issue and I personally think it should be addressed to the current staff team.

    Regardless of the cause, it's always about quality over quantity.

    Which are ironically the players this 15 warn total insta-ban nonsense only really affects

    because they're the ones who end up staying long enough to accumulate it. 

    Not to say I'm calling myself quality, but obviously I give more of a shit about the server

    than your average player, otherwise I wouldn't be here making threads about it.


    Also if the current staff team is worth their salt they wouldn't need to be directly

    contacted and informed. They would already be made aware of these

    issues via this very forum. (which is more than slow enough to check every few days)

    I'm not sure someone who doesn't care enough about the server

    they staff to check the forums to see what the players are having issues with should even be one.

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